19 March 2006

Doom of Odin


"I find no comfort in the shade
Under the branch of the Great Ash.

I remember the mist

of our ancient past.

As I speak
to you in the present,
My ancient eyes

see the terrible future.
Do you not see what I see?

Do you not hear

death approaching?

The mournful cry of Giallr-horn
shall shatter the
And shake the foundation of heaven.

Raise up your banner
And gather your noble company

from your great hall,

Father of the
For you shall go to your destiny.

No knowledge can save you,
And no magic will save
For you will end up in Fenrir's belly,

While heaven and earth will burn
in Surt's unholy fire."

- Book of Heroes


Anonymous said...

Is this Blake?

Aquilus said...

No, taken from the Book of Heroes from Norse mythology

Anonymous said...

for your info, the poem "Doom of Odin" is by Jimmy Joe. His site http://www.timelessmyths.com" features other fine poems about gods.
If you like Norse mythology poetry, you can find a big collection at my own site, http://www.odins-gift.com .
Best regards,