18 December 2008

No dia 10 de Janeiro o guitarrista de Anathema, Danny Cavanagh, actua a solo, num espectáculo acústico, no Museu D. Diogo de Sousa, em Braga, a partir das 22.00h.

17 December 2008


"It has been said that time heals all wounds.
I do not agree.
The wounds remain.
In time the mind,
protecting its sanity,
covers them with scar tissue
and the pain lessens, but it is never gone."

- Rose Kennedy

10 December 2008


O movimento transparece
Na névoa do teu olhar
A melancolia entristece
No desvanecer do sonhar

E o véu resfria o espírito

Naquele leito de desatino
Na voz do velho crítico
Do aclamado destino

E a terra aquece a figura

Estendido sobre a humidade
Sobre a lua que se pendura
Rindo da sua [in] sanidade

14 November 2008


Insana virtude daquela estrela carmim
Que se arrasta em fios de dor
Onde a noite encerra o seu fim
Em vénias de explícito despudor

Senti a vida a correr em leitos
De nudezes oprimidas em véus
Em continentes de estreitos
Honro a fauna dos céus

Uivo afogado em carpidos
Pelo dilacerante rasgo da concepção
Em mim os sonhos perdidos
Encontrados na imaginação

E o olhar recai sobre ti
Melíflua Vénus que me abraça
De que um dia fugi
E vivi na doce ressaca

09 November 2008

31 October 2008

Happy Halloween

The blood splashes through the door
As the blade opens the jugular

A cascade of tears covers the floor

The occult
entrails the altar

For the room is in the woods
Wide deep in the gloom

Carving in the moods

In lighted
by the moon

And the witches run free
In the horror of this land

The blood
born in trees
At the vampires fang

The ocean is drowning
From the
trickery it has seen
For dead are blossoming

Hell… It’s Halloween!

It doesn’t make much sense but is the intention that counts…

13 October 2008


Orgulho-me de ter demonstrado que não são nem as qualidades de bondade ou as afeições delicadas naturais ao homem, nem as reais virtudes que ele é capaz de adquirir pela razão e pela abnegação, que constituem o fundamento da sociedade; mas que aquilo a que no mundo chamamos mal, tanto moral como natural, é o grande princípio que faz de nós criaturas sociáveis, a base sólida, a vida e o apoio de todas as actividades e de todos os empregos, sem excepção; que é nele que devemos procurar a verdadeira origem de todas as artes e de todas as ciências, e que, no momento em que o mal desapareça, a sociedade se deteriora, se não se dissolver inteiramente.

- Bernard Mandeville

11 September 2008

Heavenly conceived

The moonlight cuddles the green
Dangle in an exhale of a leave

A tear reflects what has been

What heaven has conceive

An ignominious sphere
Upon the face of the abyss

Where the strings adhere

A portrait carved in bliss

And the light lingers in stain
In the vision of the stars

Inviting to a world of pain

And a life full of scars…

26 August 2008


Nas trevas do horizonte
Longínquo e distante
Cerrada, a chuva esconde
Uma forma que me espante

A brandura do oceano
Acaricia o penhasco

De onde nasce insano

A sombra e o carrasco

E vejo a inquietude
Na figura relutante

Que se arrasta na finitude
De um movimento dançante

Na ondulação
ele mergulha
Num voo rotativo

Na espuma borbulha

O corpo explosivo

E afoga-se a mente
Num murmúrio de silêncio
Pela dor que não sente
Crepúsculo de sentencio

19 August 2008


Carnival Of Disgust, taken from the album 'Among Beggars And Thieves...'

18 August 2008


Take a look into this movie (you can fully watch it, and even download it).
Very interesting!!


You also view it with numerous subtitles.

28 July 2008

New Cradle of Filth Album

Cradle Of Filth has set "Godspeed On The Devil's Thunder" as the title of its new album. The album is expected to be released in October via Roadrunner Records. The new labum is a 72-minute concept record about a legendary serial killer from the 15th Century, Gilles De Rais, a French nobleman who fought alongside Joan of Arc and accumulated great wealth before becoming a satanist, sexual deviant and a murderer.

"Godspeed On The Devil's Thunder" track listing:

01. In Grandeur And Frankincense Devilment Stirs
02. Shat Out Of Hell
03. The Death Of Love
04. The 13th Caesar
05. Tiffauges
06. Tragic Kingdom
07. Sweetest Maleficia
08. Honey And Sulphur
09. Midnight Shadows Crawl To Darken Counsel With Life
10. Darkness Incarnate
11. Ten Leagues Beneath Contempt
12. Godspeed On The Devil's Thunder
13. Corpseflower

Source: euro.thegauntlet.com

22 July 2008

The Nature of Evil

“Through metaphor, we can only paint a picture. The shapes and colors can only be realized through meditation on the metaphors and doing the work itself. There is no substitute for the latter, and, while many have not practiced Goetic evocation as classically described, they have evoked "unawares," over and over again, the same powerful forces and demons which have both helped and hindered them.”

“Evil is an "externalization" and "objectification" of something fearful, horrifying, or different. Evil can be a label for something as simple as a person or an object that frustrates us. Evil is pain.

Evil is the enemy. Evil is the Gods of other men. Evil is the night terrors. Evil is the overwhelming feeling of falling apart. Yet all these images are non-sense. Evil like other ideas exists because we as humans exist. Nature knows not Evil, neither Good, nor for that matter Law. These are creations of the human mind, "explanations" which help us quiet the "terrors of the night." The human mind requires the belief in "its" idea of order" for the sale purposes of the human mind. Thus the nature of evil is the human mind.”

Aleister Crowley, in The Nature of Evil

03 July 2008


Leaves glow in dusk reflection

In a sea of dim light

Craving the shadows for protection

From the sun and is sight

Prospecting the oblivion

The eyes lure in the gallows

The manacles of ion

Black energy discharge in shadows

Contracted is the closure

That dies through day

From the light exposure

Entailing the decay

Yet, hope is timeless

Is the infinite of the night

And the body lifeless

In the joy of the light

09 June 2008

Expectations run wild in the mist
Abroad the ocean that sleeps

In the opposite
Of a silent detonation

The wind sails methodically
A vacuum of sage

The veils of sacrilege

In a atmosphere of abomination
Abhor and tremble

anxiety for salvation
The blood handles

In a throne of shadows
Of agony and despair

A divided hollow

In the black blare

Once enthroned
Amid wolfs and rain

Became entombed

In heavenly pain

06 June 2008

Próximas deambulações

SBSR - 9 Jul 2008
Iron Maiden (UK), Slayer (USA)

Arch Enemy (SW), Anathema (UK), Marduk (SW)

21 May 2008


13 Jun 08 Porto (PT) Uptown Bar
14 Jun 08 Coimbra (PT) Auditório Vagos
19 Jul 08 Lisboa (PT) Teatro Ibérico

25 Jun 08 Estombar (PT) Lagoa Burning Live 2008

26 Jul 08 Algarve (PT) Lagoa Burning Live

19 May 2008

Por muito que se goste ou não do filme ou da própria história, a musica é simplesmente maravilhosa :)

11 May 2008


Grande, grande malha! Aqui com 3 baterias e 3 guitarristas mais orquestra!!

04 May 2008

A Media do Horror (Music Version)

Ahahahah, uma brincadeira que fiz com uma cena que tinha escrito há uns tempos.
Enfim, às vezes sabem bem estes devaneios.

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Corre a brisa na nocturna trovoada de verão. Assim como quem não quer a coisa a bruma escala a planície como uma sombra no crepúsculo daquela sensação de vazio que nos enche na solidão daquela imensa angústia.

Do crepúsculo da humanidade
Gritam salvas de tormento

Sobre a gélida humidade

Suspira o sofrimento

Nascem monotonias
Nos corpos salpicados

chagas fugidias
Em corpos laminados

Horror melódico
De um sadismo crescente

Da morte emergente

Remoinho de corpos
Em torno da luz

Movem-se tortos

O retrato seduz

28 April 2008


Crepúsculo de véus
Da vida encantada
A morte dos céus
Na alma queimada

Caverna de luz
Na rosa
A noite seduz
A entrada perdida

No lobo, do ventre
Cresce a discórdia
Na noite pendente
Narra-se a

Orquídeas em espiral
Entre corpos reais
Bebem corvos de sal

As feridas fulcrais

Onde a caverna se lamenta
Perdem-se gritos suspensos
Na escolha
da ementa
Vagueiam olhos imensos

Na busca do caminho
Dos deuses esquecidos
A Fénix faz o ninho
De ramos enternecidos

De sangue e esperança
A arquitectura é ramificada
No choro da criança
A vida é gerada

22 April 2008

The Battering Wolf

The howling sphere rejoice
Embracing the wounds of sorrow

The detriment of choice

In the emerging hollow

Deep in morning scars
Wolfs are carved in stone

Moaning to the stars

Constricting the spawn

Mauling and screaming
Upon paths of
Bleeding and grieving

Though a moon of fire

Rough and fierce
The altar of despair

Grow and
The stain is fair

And the wolf cries
A river of howls

The rose dies

In a thorn of shadows

Blasphemer leave Mayhem...

"It is with these written words that I hereby retract myself from my position as the guitar player of Mayhem.

The main reason behind this conclusion lies in the fact that I simply don't see any future for me in the band anymore, at least not a future I'd like to participate in over the coming years. I've been playing my part in the band now for more than 13 years already, having composed, produced and released several albums with great vision, dedication and craftsmanship, to arrive at this crossroad of opposites. Sooner or later, all things comes to an end, and in my case, this circle is complete.

For some of you this might not come as the biggest surprise, as I've clearly stated in several interviews that I was not sure what the next step would be. These "hints" were partly rooted in the fact that our latest album fulfilled all of the expectations, visions and aspects of negativity that I felt I wanted to express with this band, and also, of similar importance, that I felt tired of both the touring aspects, amidst its turbulence and personal differences, and also my role in the band.

It has been a dark, devoted and spellbinding journey, and as some beings and entities develop, others remain the same. I've developed my essence. No questions. However, the legacy of MAYHEM will / must always remain what it always has been, and I wish to thank all parts involved and to wish them all the best for the future. I also would like to thank my followers over the years, from "Wolf's Lair..." to "Ordo...", my vision has been clear. I'm also sure the band will continue with a respectful formation, and that an eventual album will be placed "up there", where it (should) belong.

I have now personally chosen to focus on other paths in terms of creativity and vision. My "child of heart" AVA INFERI has already a busy schedule for the future and our third album is being crafted as we speak. I will also re-surface with new will and blood in a future extreme project. You have not heard the last of me, on the contrary. It's all about to begin.

Note that the few already scheduled shows will go on as planned WITH me.

Rune Eriksen/Blasphemer".

21 April 2008

Filii Nigrantium Infernalium em concerto

Dia 20 de Abril em Corroios parte do Lusitanian Darkness Fest

Os meus agradecimentos vão para a Melissa pela paciência em andar a tirar fotos enquanto eu curtia o som :P

01 April 2008

Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up

Estava a navegar e encontrei isto a dar numa página! Grandes recordações!!
80's rules!!!!

30 March 2008


It took us ages
To became what we are not

Once betrayed by our pledges

In a world that we forgot

And there is seclusion
In the lies we’re fighting for

Walls of illusion

A transparent mask abhors

And a broken heart consumes
The life of the soul

Minute by minute exhumes

Like an horrid maul

Blood paints the sky
Over and over again

In a silent cry

The architect plan

17 March 2008

Na abstinência da vida
Filtrada pelo medo

Na motivação esquecida
Cravada pelo

Injecta-se o absinto
No sono
Dorme faminto
O monstro

Na alegria do ser
De querer e não ligar

A vontade de pertencer
Onde Deus
não habitar.

Pelo canto da medusa
Emerso e omnipresente
A Lua que seduza
O sol do ocidente

16 March 2008

Filii Nigrantium Infernalium - Calypso

Em nome do metal nacional!

"Calypso - puta infernal

O mar devora o adeus - o deus que fui

Terra - ervas do Mal - o nada afoga o

Tudo, e eu - Norte e Sul - Rock'n'Roll!

Guerreiro do
O pó incuba o ar...

Sangue no sal

A morte é real!

Calypso -
chama febril
O teu veneno alimenta o meu funeral

Poço... águas de azur

Resta a queda, a ressaca, a maré o sal

A morte é real

O pó incuba o ar...

no sal
A morte é real!

Nuvens de ópio - tortura, prazer

Acabarei nos poços de azur

A roda ao pescoço, a matriz

A raiz do Mal - profanação!!"


A memory lays there
Out of earthly reach

Where angels bare

And demons weep

In grace repent
And carved wounds

Centuries spent

In revolting gloom

Angels regret demonically
entwine accident
Demons rejoice angelically

Abhorred in sapience

And nowhere has it stayed
Alone in hecatomb

Exhausted by prays

Shouted from the womb

26 February 2008

Livro de Reclamações

De acordo com a refilice manifestada em relação à estética da coisa encontra-se disponível um novo background =P

Hãã!! Gostas do rosinha!! Espectacular!!!

22 February 2008

Dias Solarengos

Dias solarengos
Nas horas perdidos
Em sinfonias de crescendos
E encantos escondidos

Sente a vida no horizonte
Distante e sem fronteira

Na procura de uma fonte

Em selo… inteira

A procura da luz
Naquele lugar misterioso

A escolha que seduz

Sentimento piedoso

No limite da maldade
Em torno da
A busca da identidade

Em gritos de agonia

E cantos silenciosos
Estendidos pelo universo
Desfilam ansiosos
Na mente disperso

21 February 2008


Restrain the life
From awakening

Beware the strife

That’s emerging

Like crystal
Reflecting in the dark

Alludes to the condone

Of a false spark

Regarding the merge

a zesty clasp
Prostrating the dirge

In a resourceful grasp

But still evades

In dark passions

Concealing infections

In deep silent agony

They veiled the shadows

Constricting anxiously

Turbulence and mellow

18 February 2008


Na distância se sente o vazio
Na proximidade a inexistência
A alma que atravessa o rio
Na barca da demência

Naquele lugar longínquo
Onde a memória sustenta
O pensamento oblíquo
Que embriagado comenta

“Sinto a lonjura,
Emoldurada na morte
Coberta na ternura
Imiscuída na sorte”

11 January 2008


A glass beyond the eyes
Where reflections fly
The focus of light shines
As the spirit aligns

Through the transience
Under the blooded moon

We forge the allegiance

For the winter

Grieving tears flow
In a distant smile

Pouring the fallow

In a cover guile

Sober in slumber
In tender perfections

Aghast the
Arising conceptions

Expelling the rain
While the souls entwine

Abhorring the stain

Embracing the concubine