28 November 2007

The Darkest Flower

And what eternity has sowed
Forever it shall grow...

In the stormy sky

In a windy night

Creatures of all kind

Are trying to hide

Beneath a solid rock
Or in an old
good tree...
They are afraid of something

What can that be?

The forest lost her green

For that the wind has bring

The darkness
has covered everything
A new Flower powerful and mean...

By the night she came

Floating in the wind

“The Dark Seed” it is called

Because the night has bring

The fallen of the green

A few days have passed

Since the seed stopped

is now all over the forest
Making the others flowers smaller

The seed is now a flower

She grow to much for the others

have all disappeared
Under the thorns of the Queen...

The Darkest Flower

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